Platform Economics & Incentives
SGE and the Six Sigma Sports application
The SGE Token, Incentive Structure, and Ecosystem.
The SGE token serves several purposes:
· It is the native token of the SGE Network that helps secure the PoS blockchain and facilitate on-chain governance.
· It is the initial denomination for all activity in the Six Sigma Sports application.
· It is the Key to access the House functionality of the Six Sigma Sports application.
Important Notes to the illustrations and figures
· It is important to observe that the following illustrations are not 100% fixed as there are dynamic inputs which could impact the figures and are unknown at this time.
· The lock (and corresponding unlock) figures represent the most accelerated path possible. Token locks may be extended in the future.
· Application Rewards are primarily reserved for user acquisition and will be offered to bettors in the Six Sigma Sports application.
· The Strategic Reserve (SR) is the Six Sigma Sports House actor. We will use the SR to be the first and last line of liquidity for the sportsbook. Once the sportsbook is live, the size of the SR will also be variable depending on results. Please see the Six Sigma Sports GitBook for further details (
· Other definitions as used in the illustrations:
o Total Supply = Tokens that have been minted by the blockchain.
o Inflation = Max Supply - Total Supply (& is automatically distributed to validators/delegators)
o “Circulating Supply” = Total Supply - Locked Tokens
o “Circulating Supply” includes the Strategic Reserve (100M) and Application Rewards (up to 511M) as they are not locked on chain. However, the initial distribution of Application Rewards (betting incentives) will be variable and correspond to the engagement and reward programs of the application. As the application scales, so will reward token distribution, but this is not on a fixed schedule.
The token distribution at genesis can be categorized as follows:
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