🧑House Wins


  1. Payload: The payload for placing a bet is as follows: Please ensure to change the kyc_id with your bettor address, and update the timestamps. A JWT ticket should be created out of this payload for providing it in the transaction below.

 "selected_odds": {
   "uid": "9991c60f-2025-48ce-ae79-1dc110f16992",
   "market_uid": "5531c60f-2025-48ce-ae79-1dc110f16001",
   "value": "3.0",
   "max_loss_multiplier": "1"
 "kyc_data": {
   "ignore": false,
   "approved": true,
   "id": "sge1uffpdv3lg4v3gdwlt6pp0ty3fr7fyyau59hzmd"
 "exp": 1668407601,
 "iat": 1668407501,
 "iss": "Oracle",
 "sub": "PlaceBet"

Transaction: The transaction for placing a bet is as follows: sged tx bet place-bet [uid] [amount] [ticket] --chain-id [chain-id] --from [signer-account-key] Example: sged tx bet place-bet 6631c60f-2025-48ce-ae79-1dc110f16123 1000000000 [ticket] --chain-id sge --from bettor

Verification: The above success or failure of the above transaction can be verified using the queries and the state table below.

  1. Query the transaction hash: sged q tx [tx-hash] Expectation: Code is 0

  2. Query the list of bets saaged q bet bets Expectation: One bet should be placed.

  3. Query the balance of the bettor saaged q bank balances sge1uffpdv3lg4v3gdwlt6pp0ty3fr7fyyau59hzmd

Resolve the market

  1. Payload: The payload for resolving the above market is as follows: A JWT ticket should be created out of this payload for providing it in the transaction below. The timestamps need to be updated accordingly.

     "uid": "5531c60f-2025-48ce-ae79-1dc110f16001",
      "resolution_ts": 1867270827,
      "winner_odds_uids": [
      "status": 5,
      "iat": 1668407501,
      "exp": 1668407601
  • Transaction: The transaction for resolving a market is as follows: sged tx market resolve [ticket] --chain-id [chain-id] --from [signer-account-key] Example: sged tx market resolve [ticket] --chain-id sge --from oracle

  • Verification: The above success or failure of the above transaction can be verified using the query below.

    1. Query the transaction hash: sged q tx [tx-hash]


The bettor has been rewarded with the payout from the house.

Last updated