This section elaborates on the transaction message handler methods being exposed by the Bet module.


When a wager transaction is processed, the following things happen:

  • If KYC is not ignored, KYC validation of the user should be approved and KYC ID should be equal to the creator's address.

  • Then, invoke the OVM module to validate the ticket.

  • After the ticket validation, the Order Book module is invoked to manage the transfer of funds involved in the process and distribute the participation exposures.

  • Then, a new bet will be created with the given data and stored in the bet module's KVStore, in the following way:

newBet := &types.Bet{
    Creator: msg.Creator,
    Uid: msg.Uid,
    MarketUid: <msg.Ticket.MarketUid>,
    OddsUid: <msg.Ticket.OddsUid>,
    OddsValue: <msg.Ticket.OddsValue>,
    OddsType: <msg.OddsType>,
    Amount: msg.Amount,
    Fee <bet fee of the event>,
    Status: types.Bet_STATUS_PLACED,
    Result: types.Bet_RESULT_PENDING
    CreatedAt: <current block time>,
    MaxLossMultiplier: <selected odds max loss multiplier>,
    BetFulfillment: <calculated by the order book module>,


The RPC for adding a market is as follows:

// Wager defines a method to place a bet with the given data.
rpc Wager(MsgWager) returns (MsgWagerResponse);

Request Message

The request message for Wager is MsgWager. The proto for the request message is as follows:

// MsgWager defines a message to place a bet with the given data.
message MsgWager {
  // creator is the bettor address.
  string creator = 1;
  // props contains bet properties.
  WagerProps props = 2;

Response Message

The response message Wager is MsgWagerResponse. The proto for the request message is as follows:

// MsgWagerResponse is the returning value in the response
// of MsgWagerResponse request.
message MsgWagerResponse { WagerProps props = 1; }

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