Adding automatic execution of certain logic at the beginning of each block is being done in the Mint Module. The section elaborates on all the begin-blocker executions in the Mint module. Minting parameters are recalculated and inflation is paid at the beginning of each block.
Detect Current Phase
Checking if the chain has moved from one phase to another, including the final phase, and re-setting the minter in case the phase has changed, is a begin-blocker operation implemented in the Mint module. It is implemented as follows:
// CurrentPhase returns current phase of the inflation
func (m Minter) CurrentPhase(params Params, currentBlock int64) (Phase, int) {
if currentBlock == 1 {
return params.GetPhaseAtStep(1), 1
cumulativeBlock := sdk.NewDec(0)
var currentStep int
var found bool
// add each phase blocks until reaching the range which the current block is in
for i := 0; i < len(params.Phases); i++ {
// add current phase blocks to cummulative blocks
cumulativeBlock = cumulativeBlock.Add(params.getPhaseBlocks(i + 1))
currentStep = i + 1
// if the current block is less than or equal to cummulative blocks
// this means that we are in the i+1 step which is set in above line
if sdk.NewDec(currentBlock).LTE(cumulativeBlock) {
found = true
// it is the current phase
// so there is no need for furthur phase blocks check
// if there is no detected phase,
// this means that the rest of inflation is zero as end phase
if !found {
return EndPhase(), EndPhaseAlias
// the phase has found and we need to return the phase specifications
return params.GetPhaseAtStep(currentStep), currentStep
If the phase has changed, set the minter with the changed parameters:
// set the new minter properties if the phase has changed or inflation has changed
if currentPhaseStep != cast.ToInt(minter.PhaseStep) || !minter.Inflation.Equal(currentPhase.Inflation) {
// set new inflation rate
newInflation := currentPhase.Inflation
minter.Inflation = newInflation
// set new phase step
minter.PhaseStep = cast.ToInt32(currentPhaseStep)
// set phase provisions of new phase step
totalSupply := k.TokenSupply(ctx, params.MintDenom)
minter.PhaseProvisions = minter.NextPhaseProvisions(totalSupply, params.ExcludeAmount, currentPhase)
// store minter
k.SetMinter(ctx, minter)
Next Phase Provision
Since the SGE Network chain is predominantly reliant on phases for its inflation model, the phase_provision keeps track of the total amount of tokens to be distributed in the current phase. This value is calculated every time there is a phase change.
// NextPhaseProvisions returns the phase provisions based on current total
// supply and inflation rate.
func (m Minter) NextPhaseProvisions(totalSupply sdk.Int, excludeAmount sdk.Int, phase Phase) sdk.Dec {
// calculate annual provisions as normal
annualProvisions := m.Inflation.MulInt(totalSupply.Sub(excludeAmount))
// return this phase provisions according to the year coefficient
// ex.
// year coefficient = 0.5
// blocks per year = 100
// this phase provisions is 100 * 0.5 => 50
return annualProvisions.Mul(phase.YearCoefficient)
Block Provision
Calculate the provisions generated for each block based on the current phase provisions. The provisions are then minted by the mint module's ModuleMinterAccount and then transferred to the auth's FeeCollector ModuleAccount.
// BlockProvisions returns the provisions for a block based on the phase
// provisions rate.
func (m Minter) BlockProvisions(params Params, phaseStep int) (sdk.Coin, sdk.Dec) {
// get total blocks in this phase
blocksPerPhase := params.getPhaseBlocks(phaseStep).TruncateDec()
// detect each block provisions then and the truncated value from previous block
provisionAmt := m.PhaseProvisions.Quo(blocksPerPhase).Add(m.TruncatedTokens)
// extract the integer and decimal part of provisions
// the decimal part is the truncated value because of conversion to sdk.Int
// so the decimal part is truncated and needs to be added in next block
intPart := provisionAmt.TruncateDec()
decPart := provisionAmt.Sub(intPart)
return sdk.NewCoin(params.MintDenom, intPart.TruncateInt()), decPart