Transactions & Payloads

The exposed transactions CLI commands and ticket payloads by the OVM module.


The below transaction can be used to create a proposal for pubkey change on the blockchain.


sged tx ovm pubkeys-change-proposal [ticket] --flags

The below table specifies the details of the arguments used in the above transaction:


The payload for the proposal transaction is as follows:

 "public_keys": ["-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMCowBQYDK2VwAyEAzoP3SVo1tUEhd+cF/zw+8XxtOScdJyD7T3QqKzpC9x0=\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----"],
 "leader_index": 1,
 "exp": 1667863498866062000,
 "iat": 1667827498,
 "iss": "Oracle",
 "sub": "PubKeysChangeProposal"


The below transaction can be used to create a proposal for pubkey change on the blockchain.


sged tx ovm vote-pubkeys-proposal [ticket ][pubkeyIndex] --flags

The below table specifies the details of the arguments used in the above transaction:


The payload for the vote transaction is as follows:

 "proposal_id": 1,
 "vote": 1,// 1: no, 2:yes
 "exp": 1667863498866062000,
 "iat": 1667827498,
 "iss": "Oracle",
 "sub": "PubKeysChangeProposalVote"

Last updated